Monday, July 11, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of my life (or at least that's what I hear)

I just got off the treadmill. I would much rather run outside than inside, but even now, at 8:30 pm, it's somewhere around 97 degrees with a billion percent humidity. So, yeah. Treadmill.

I did 1.5 miles in exactly 20 minutes. 4 mph at 2 incline for 5 minutes, than alternated 1 minute at 6 mph and 1 incline with 2 minutes of 4 mph at 2 incline. Damn I'm out of shape. It burned 240 calories, which means I burned somewhere around 150 calories realistically. Add that to my dinner of a grapefruit, a small bowl of egg drop soup and a small bowl of chocolate cheerios, and I'm somewhere around 1,100 calories today.

And zero alcohol units. YAY ME.

Yesterday: -500 calories
Today: -900 calories

I'm almost half way to a pound. (I know. I know. It's still day one.)

Yeah, I kinda suck at blogging

Yeah, yeah. It's only been like six months since I last posted, but whatevs. I'm back on the bandwagon. Again! But this time it's going to stick! (Don't you love the enthusiasm?)

So anyhoo, I'm going to do a Bridget Jones inspired section all up in here. You see, I'm coming up on 40 years old and, well, my sporadic bursts of exercise and good health simply aren't cutting it anymore if I want to continue to fit into my clothes. So.... here goes.

From today on, I'm going to attempt to eat less than 1,500 calories a day and I WILL walk at least one mile on the treadmill. Every day. Did I mention this was going to happen each and every day?

So, yesterday I consumed 1,350 calories. Victory! (No treadmill, I just decided that today).

Today, so far, I'm at 625 calories as of 4:10. And as my Facebook friend Rocky's post said this morning. Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you. Amen!