Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1/11: Start your year with a really cool, really cheap present for yourself!

Hello people of the Internet! I'm not going to go into some high falutin' explanation of what this blog is all about, who I am, or why I'm qualified to tell you what to do. We've got PLENTY of time for that later my friends. Just you wait and see!

Anyway, I failed miserably last year in my blogging attempt because I felt like I had to write a disertation-like post each and every time I got online, which seriously hindered my ability to blog on any type of a regular schedule. However, I do spend a lot of time trying to save money and time, and making sure my butt fits in the same size jeans. So, I believe it is my duty to share what I know to help everyone out there be just like me. Only BETTER!

So, today, I'll let you in on a new bargain web site I just found out about 2 weeks ago: If you like designer clothes, purses and other stuff like make-up, kids toys, etc., I think this site may be the motherlode of bargains.

"No more rack" sells deeply discounted designer items that aren't TOO designer-y, aka too expensive (more Nine West as opposed to Jimmy Choo). Anyway, the site posts eight new deals every day at noon Eastern time. And let me tell you, I've yet to get in on a purse deal because the good stuff sells out in minutes. I think you have to be poised and ready to pounce immediately (sort of like you're bidding on that Holy Shit a vintage pez dispenser collection! on Ebay). They've got some HELLA good deals on this site. I've seen killer Stila lipglosses for $2. And shipping is just two bucks so you can make out like a bandit.

Check it out and see for yourself. I realize that spreading the word will make the awesome $20 purses even that much more difficult for me to snag, but that's just how much I love you all!

p.s. Don't feel sorry for me. I know no one is really reading this yet. But you know, I WILL love you. Just as soon as someone starts reading this thing (she laughs nervously).

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