Tuesday, January 4, 2011

(Walkin') the plank

Every year, I start out the year with a HUGE BANG, which generally dies down to a weak sizzle within a few days. I'm talking about the usual gung ho "This is the year I GET HEALTHY! Eat RIGHT! Exercise 42 HOURS A WEEK! Let me at it!"

Yes I tend to way overdo it out of the chute, and then burn out almost immediately. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. Moderation? Nonsense. If three days a week of exercise is good, 7 days is better. And if 30 minutes a day is acceptible, why not do 3 hours instead? I mean come on people. Feel the BURN!

(I also drive this way, which drives Bob completely nuts. I go from zero to 30 in about 2 seconds. I don't slow down for corners. According to Bob I drive "like a bat outta hell." I think I just missed my calling as a NASCAR driver.)

This year, I'm going to truly practice moderation (just in exercise--not driving). One thing I know for sure is that they key to good health is consistency. And I am absolutely horrible at consistency--in pretty much all areas of my life. So, I'm going to dedicate this year to doing a few things in moderation, but doing them every day. One thing I'm going to do every morning is the plank. I have terrible posture and I sit at my laptop all day on a crappy non-ergonomic chair that OSHA would probably condemn. But the plank is a miracle exercise. Just a few minutes a day can do wonders. So, I'm going to start out with three sets of a 30 second plank every morning and see where it goes. I'm sure I'll probably have a 6-pack in about a week. And if not, I QUIT! (Just kidding!)

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